Working together to improve and
protect Big Dry Creek.
Big Dry Creek Watershed Association
The Big Dry Creek Watershed Association is a voluntary organization committed to developing a sound scientific understanding of water quality, flow, aquatic life and habitat conditions in the Big Dry Creek Watershed and acting to improve these conditions. We conduct in-stream monitoring, maintain a water quality database, analyze data and share findings, conduct public education activities, and undertake special studies of watershed issues. The Association operates under support from the City and County of Broomfield, City of Westminster, City of Northglenn, City of Thornton, Weld County, Adams County and the Woman Creek Reservoir Authority.
Contact us to join our meetings or sign up for our annual newsletter.
Our monitoring program began in 1997 and focuses on the main stem of Big Dry Creek. We analyze water chemistry, measure flow, and also perform habitat, fish, and benthic macroinvertebrate sampling. The water quality monitoring program is a voluntary program that includes grab samples collected at eight instream locations.
Watershed Plan
In 2001, we completed a Watershed Plan focused on water quality improvement, which was approved by the Colorado Department of Public Heath and Environment. An update is underway that includes current watershed information and incorporates the 2016 Total Maximum Daily Load for E. coli.
Reducing Pollution
You can help protect Big Dry Creek even if you don’t live along the stream. How? By picking up trash in your neighborhood, collecting pet waste, practicing good lawn and garden practices at home, and implementing other simple everyday habits before these pollutants are washed downstream during a rain event into the creek.